Liverpool Cares is no longer operational – this website is for information only

Another fun-filled year of social clubs!

Please note: this post is 22 months old and The Cares Family is no longer operational. This post is shared for information only


2022 has been jam-packed with joy - exactly what the doctor ordered! Read on to hear about some of the fantastic clubs from the last year, and how each and every one of them connected neighbours across the city in different, wonderful ways.

Liverpool Cares social clubs can serve lots of different purposes - but most of all they bring together neighbours of different ages, from different cultures and backgrounds, like our picnic in the park back in July.


Everyone brought food they felt reflected them - whether that be Daniel's vegan spread or Hu's traditional Chinese broccoli dish. The conversations flowed as everyone enjoyed the dishes, and neighbours swapped and shared recipes and recommendations. "I now know how to make a frittata thanks to Sylvia!" said Trish.


Social clubs are also a great way to learn a new skill or to share a skill that maybe you don't get to show off as often as you'd like! It's always wonderful when neighbours want to share their hobbies and passions with their younger and older neighbours. In December, younger neighbour Essa offered to hold a crochet club where everyone could learn the basics together. Alma, Eleanor and the gang got stuck right in and took to this new skill like a duck to water, and were soon crocheting and gabbing away! 


Social clubs are also a brilliant way to visit new and exciting venues in Liverpool, opening up hidden parts of the city to people – no matter how long they've lived here. We've had loads of cool visits this year to introduce neighbours to new places to socialise, eat, drink and learn, like the trip to Neighbourhood Coffee back in March. Neighbours saw behind the scenes at the local coffee roastery, tried some delicious brews and learned all about the transition from bean to cup! Older neighbour Penny told us "I wouldn't have known this was here, I didn't know what to expect but it was excellent!"


If being active is your thing, social clubs can be a great way to get moving and keep fit. In 2022 we ran everything from park walks to line dancing, and boxercise to tennis sessions! Neighbours even got stuck into a game of Crown Green Bowls in West Derby in October, with Patrick and Keith both discovering previously hidden talent!


Social clubs can provide a welcoming, friendly space to be creative, and sketching clubs are always a great place for this! Gathering around with a sketch pad and pencils and giving it a shot (even if like Christine you'd compare your drawing skills to a toddler) is really in the spirit of Liverpool Cares. This cosy club in April brought out the artist in everyone, and Irene said "I haven't just given something a go like this in ages."

We love how our Social Clubs can be lots of different things to different people, but at their core, they're all about bringing people together to share time, laughter and new experiences with one another - no matter whether that's over a game of tennis or a peaceful cuppa.